How to Treat A Decaying Tooth


As soon as you notice that you are experiencing tooth decay, you should immediately book an appointment with your dentist. After this appointment, you will need to follow the instructions given to you by your dentist, as every case of tooth decay is different. The critical thing to remember about treating tooth decay at home is that it’s always better to treat it sooner than later.

Ways to Treat A Decaying Tooth

If you suspect you have a decaying tooth, don’t delay! Instead, find ways to treat a decaying tooth. While visiting your dentist is always a good idea, there are ways you can work around it. Follow these steps for how to treat a decaying tooth.


1. Visit the Dentist

The first line of defence in fighting tooth decay is a dentist. The trained professionals will look for cavities and cracks, suggest ways to improve your brushing habits and help you consider preventive care such as fluoride treatments or sealants. It’s essential to visit a dentist every six months for professional cleanings, especially if you want to prevent tooth decay from turning into something more serious like gum disease.

2. Use Dental Sealant

Dental sealants are a tooth-coloured plastic coating used on teeth. Sealing off cracks in your teeth will make it harder for bacteria and sugars to penetrate your teeth and lead to decay.

3. Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps prevent decay by strengthening your teeth’s enamel. While anyone can benefit from it, children are especially vulnerable to tooth decay and should start using fluoridated toothpaste as soon as they can.

4. Cap or Crown

If your tooth can’t be saved, your dentist may recommend a cap, a removable plate-like device that fits over a damaged tooth. It’s often made of porcelain and other natural minerals that promote healthy teeth and gums. Crowns are similar in purpose, but they are permanent solutions.

5. Dental Fillings  

Another way to treat tooth decay is with a dental filling. Filling a cavity is one of the most common procedures dentists perform and involves creating a seal between your teeth and filling in any gaps with a hard-plastic resin. While it’s not as strong as natural enamel, it does protect your teeth by preventing bacteria from spreading throughout your mouth.

Be proactive in your dental health. Find a local dentist such as Next Smile™ Sydney and talk about what steps you can take right now to avoid tooth decay. They also provide teeth restorative procedures such as All-on-4® dental implants. Contact Next Smile™ Sydney to book an appointment today.