How Dentists Can Help with Sleep Apnoea


Sleep apnoea is an occurring condition that makes individuals stop breathing at various times throughout their sleep cycles. There are two kinds of sleep apnoea: central sleep apnoea and obstructive sleep apnoea.

The two kinds of sleep apnoea are problematic to sleep patterns. Individuals with untreated apnoea commonly awaken feeling drained and dormant. If left untreated, it can affect short-and long haul mental and actual wellbeing.


Obstructive sleep apnoea is the most widely recognised type of sleep apnoea. During apnoeas, the airway’s soft tissues breakdowns. This breakdown keeps oxygen from going through the airway and reaching the lungs. During central sleep apnoea, the mind quits sending messages to the body to inhale during sleep. No actual disruption to the airway happens, although the body reacts as though an interference occurs.


After one is diagnosed with apnoea, a dental appointment comes in handy. During the appointment, an individual learns about apnoea treatment options and their treatment choices. Dentists have specialised in dental sleep medication; hence they can help. In addition, their job is frequently to assist patients with snoring through oral appliance therapy.


Two dental applications dosing may be recommended to treat sleep apnoea; mandibular advancement devices (MADs) and tongue-retaining mouthpieces.

Mandibular advancement devices

Mandibular advancement devices are sometimes known as dental sleep devices and resemble mouthguards and push the lower jaw forward. In this position, muscles that collapse during apnoeas tighten so that they can’t fall. In addition, it helps keep the soft tissues from blocking the airways when they relax. Mandibular advancement devices can be adjusted to increase comfort and effectiveness.

Tongue-retaining devices

Though not commonly known, tongue-retaining devices are appropriate for a wider range of mouths. They hold the patient's tongue in a forward position. As the tongue is joined to the lower jaw, this gadget likewise keeps the airway open. They prevent the tongue from falling back into the airway when sleeping. It fits around the tongue and holds it set up utilising a light suction power.

While the gadgets might be uncomfortable from the get-go, individuals adjust within a few days.


If you are experiencing sleep apnoea and require treatment, consult the team at Next Smile™ Melbourne. Our dental professionals will be there for you every step of the way. Visit our website or contact us for more information.